When you were a child, did you ever lay in the grass and look up beyond the trees and see a beautiful blue sky. Do you remember seeing the clouds and the birds fly by? If you were really still you could feel a gentle breeze glide over your body and then it was gone.
In my book, I Called Her Nan, chapter 15 talks a little about how important unlikely friendships have been in my life, especially while writing this book. They came at just the right time to encourage me, and listen with an unconditional heart. These unlikely friendships brought me peace in various ways even through the tears. Just like that gentle breeze, an unlikely friend can pass through your life, even if it's only for a brief moment to be a confidant, provide comfort, and refresh your soul. You may even figure out that no one is perfect, as we walk this bumpy trail of life together.
My mother-in-law was an unlikely friend to me at times. On occasional Saturday afternoons, we would lay on her sloshy water bed and chat about her romance novels or her childhood on Nantucket. A few of her stories felt like they were little secrets. Nowadays as I look back, I treasure those few moments we shared every once in a while. I'd like to think she enjoyed them too.
The journey from being a daughter-in-law to becoming a mother-in-law may actually become one of those unlikely friendships you'll treasure for years to come.
I Called Her Nan, is now available on Amazon in paperback, Audible, and Kindle!
It makes a special gift for any friend in your life. It's a fun book to have available at bridal showers. It can even be turned into a game of, "How well do you know your future daughter-in-law and mother-in-law. Message me about popping in for a zoom visit!
"Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are willing to help." Mr. Roger's Mom