A sneak peek- Epilogue:
"I'm proud to wear the shoes Nan left behind. My desire is to remove the dirt that I keep stepping in at times as I navigate my way through the relationships with my daughters-in-law, ultimately polishing them up through words of encouragement, patience, and wisdom."
To walk in someone else's shoes...
This Memorial Day I've let myself wonder what it must have been like to walk in the shoes/boots of those who paid the ultimate price for our country.
Were their boots wet, from walking in a swamp or running onto the shore after being dropped off at a foreign beach? Where they caked with mud from wandering in the woods at night while trying to find shelter and protection? Were they bloody from carrying a wounded brother over their own shoulder that was also injured and bleeding? Were their boots all that was left after hitting an IED? Or... were their boots simply worn out from serving, by running into danger to protect the American people from those that want to harm us? The shoes they BRAVELY chose to wear, ultimately cost them their lives.
As Americans, we have been given a legacy of heroes! Each day we have the opportunity to clean and polish up their boots out of gratitude, by offering words of encouragement, patience, and wisdom/history to those around us. In hopes that the next generation can proudly slip on the shoes/boots of those who came before them. They will have the understanding and appreciation of the sacrifice it took... to live in the land of the free and the home of the brave!