When I searched for the definition of stay the course, I saw that it is worded differently depending on where you look it up. Notice that none of the definitions mention that it was easy. I'll give a few examples."To continue with a process, effort, etc even tho it's difficult." "To continue to do something until it's finished." "To persevere to the end." Ultimately, to finish something that you have envisioned, even though it has become very difficult and can take time.
I'm certain that we all know someone who has stayed the course through all kinds of obstacles, and even criticism to achieve something they have planned to do. We've seen companies start, athletes push themselves, people fighting cancer, missionaries risk their lives, and the greatest example is Jesus, who stayed the course until His Fathers Will was accomplished.
Writing about my journey from being a daughter-in-law to becoming a mother-in-law came with much difficulty, starting with just the decision to tell my story. It was personal, it was challenging and humbling all at the same time. Never did I imagine what staying the course would entail. The course has come with many unexpected challenges for this menopausal woman. Actually, it wasn't the ideal time to start such an adventure, in my opinion!
Just like daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law, where the woman and the beginning of "the course" are chosen for us. Both may not be the ideal person or time...in our opinion (or so I thought). So how do you stay the course when it can be so difficult? Then, add your imperfections and a learning curve, which means you will get off track for sure! You may say or do something wrong, either on purpose or with good intentions. Even in the best DIL and MIL relationships, there are always learning moments.
Staying the course and completing the book, I Called Her Nan was done with the big picture in mind. To help daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law communicate more effectively within their own lives, knowing that to stay the course will look different in each relationship, yet will be worth it in the end.
Who knows...it may even turn out better than expected! :)
www.icalledhernan.com Purchase Now! It's a great gift for any woman especially for daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law, and friends who are getting married.