I'm excited to launch my new website for, "I Called Her Nan." The journey from being a daughter-in-law to becoming a mother-in-law may just sound like an interesting topic yet it holds so much more. I've been reminded through the process of writing this book that there is no perfect relationship. Even the relationship with ourselves can be a challenge at times. We become frustrated, hurt, and easily confused when we're not understood, even by our own emotions.
Chapter 18: Grace, Mercy, and Peace.
"The challenge comes from within us to choose to get along and consider each other's feelings as women, with the common goal of becoming daughters-in-law and mothers-in-law you would want to have one day. My hope is that your lives and the next generation of mothers-in-law and daughters-in-law relationships may continue to grow or at least get a little better."
Please share the website so other women can order the book and have a chance to take a moment to walk in another woman's shoes. For you never know what someone else is going through.
Have a great week! Look for blog updates and a sneak peeks into the book! Feel free to contact me, write a review or leave a comment.
"Look for the helpers. You will always find people willing to help." Mr. Roger's mother