One of my favorite songs to sing to my grandchildren is, "Grace Flows Down." The lyrics and melody are beautiful. "Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. Amazing love, now flowing down, from hands and feet that were nailed to the tree, as grace flows down and covers me." I can only hope they carry this song in their hearts and hear it when I'm not able to sing it to them. Right now, they are only words to such young hearts but one day they will be able to practice such grace, even when others don't understand.
In my book, I Called Her Nan, chapter 14 is titled, Butterflies and Dreams. In just four short pages I touched base on the peaceful feeling of seeing yellow butterflies, walking in someone else's shoes, and a dream that has stayed with me throughout the years. Even though I wrote the book, I still hear and feel parts of it differently, sometimes with more clarity than when it was first written.
Some paths are intended to be walked alone, only to discover waterfalls of grace flowing down that cover us. It's so refreshing as it washes away the wounds of rough terrain that only you understand the purpose of the journey. Like walking the Appalachian Trail. Why would someone walk something so rough and long on purpose? Why take the chance of falling or taking a wrong turn in the wilderness? Because...it's a story to be told in its own time.
Everyone's story needs moments of feeling Grace Flow Down. How humbling it is to be able to pour onto others the same amazing grace that covers me.