I recently heard a message on bitterness. It described bitterness as harbored hurt hidden in the heart. As Mother's Day 2021 approaches, the message made me wonder how many daughters-in-law and mother's-in-law (or any relationship) can resonate with this subject... this unwanted emotion. How does it seep into one's heart then take root? As the roots of bitterness spread, it can affect every part of your life causing physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual decay.
From my own personal experience, I can say that it affects the whole family. It's difficult to watch someone you love grow bitter roots so deep in the soil of their heart that it changes who they once were. You become desperate to fix them until you realize they have to want to help themselves. Maybe the seed of hurt was always there, yet once watered with the struggles and disappointments of life throughout the years it grew into bitter fruit. It can be recognized in facial expressions, negativity, finding fault in every situation, and jealousy.
(Hebrews12:15 "See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springs up and causes trouble, and by it many become defiled.")
"I Called Her Nan," is not a story about bitterness, yet it does offer the opportunity to see the daughter-in-law and mother-in-law relationship with new eyes and hopefully a new heart. Instead of sowing seeds of miscommunication and hurt feelings that could eventually lead to bitterness, let the stories in this book plant seeds of understanding and grace to last for generations to come.
Take a moment and share an example of this in your life.