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Different Paths~


Updated: Apr 16, 2021

During a trip to the grocery store today, I was caught off guard when the lady that was bagging my items said, "Hi Cathy." I remembered this particular lady as someone I gave a book to about 6 months ago. She mentioned that she just started reading, "I Called Her Nan" and how she related to the chapter that talked about how every daughter-in-law and mother-in-law may have been raised differently. In her case, she was raised poor whereas her husband's family was wealthy. As she walked the cart full of groceries to my car she talked about the struggles with her mother-in-law from the start due to their different lifestyles. Right down to the way they dressed! She expressed how she sees her daughter-in-law a little differently now, understanding although she didn't "pick her" she knows that she's the right fit for her son.

As I drove away, I reminded myself that each person will read the book at a time that's intended for them to benefit the most! Imagine that.


Share your experience about the different cultures that affected your daughter-in-law/mother-in-law relationship in a negative or positive way. You may make an impact on someone else reading this blog.

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Cathy Lopes​​​

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